Saturday, December 05, 2009

New Cholesterol Profile

My own, that is. Doctor just sent me a letter that my total score is 222, up from 195 in April 2008.  My HDL is 48, and LDL is 147.

He recommended I cut back to 60g of fat/day max, and cholesterol under 200mg. At least he didn't suggest medication...

For the record, my weight is around 162 right now, I'm 5'8. Started running again well before this appointment, and had completed a 10k just a couple of weekends ago.  Damn genetics. I've been taking fish oil for a couple of years now, and i think that helps. I also took Promise yogurt shots for awhile, but my wife can't find them at Publix anymore.

Also, if you haven't checked out Google Health yet, do so. If you have a google account, you can already make a profile. It's an easy way to keep track of your records over time, and see how you are progressing (or not).